Scoping the antimicrobial resistance research and development agenda – An analysis of the Australian research and development landscape for the future
The Australian Government’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy – 2020 and Beyond emphasized the need for a national research agenda for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to address knowledge gaps and strengthen coordination of R&D activities across sectors under a One Health approach. A report by CSIRO aimed to develop strategic priorities to support the Australian Government in developing a National One Health AMR R&D Agenda. The report analyzed the $210 million invested in AMR R&D in Australia from 2015 to 2021, covering human health, animal health, food, non-animal agriculture, and environment sectors. The report identified current and emerging AMR R&D needs, including strengthening infection prevention and control, developing diagnostic tools for effective decision-making, and identifying alternative therapies and new antimicrobials.
The Australian government has identified seven priorities to address key AMR R&D gaps. These include optimizing antimicrobial use through best-practice approaches for infection prevention and control, developing diagnostic tools for effective decision-making, understanding the role of each sector in the evolution and persistence of AMR, understanding the transmission of AMR across sectors, developing new or improved antimicrobial and alternative therapeutics and treatment regimens, establishing foundations for an integrated national One Health antimicrobial use and resistance surveillance system, and strengthening Australia’s position in the global AMR R&D landscape. These priorities aim to optimize antimicrobial use, develop diagnostic tools, understand the transmission of AMR across sectors, develop new or improved antimicrobial and alternative therapeutics and treatment regimens, establish a national One Health antimicrobial use and resistance surveillance system, and strengthen Australia’s position in the global AMR R&D landscape.
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